In making investments, Raised is committed to the highest ethical standards. Raised wants to work with people and supplier organizations who aim for the highest ethical standards. We have a zero tolerance policy for businesses or people that do not obey the letter and spirit of all relevant laws, particularly in the areas of corruption, tax-fraud, terrorism and money-laundering. The letter and spirit of employee protection laws are also a major focus for Raised.
Raised does not pay or take bribes or kickbacks and does not tolerate such payments by an investee or contractor. Any gifts of any sort to a governmental employee, their relatives or intermediaries raises a red flag for Raised staff.
Raised strives to know our partners and suppliers. Where possible and applicable, we conduct appropriate investigations to understand the ownership, operations, cash flows and reporting of potential suppliers and their affiliates.
Raised depends on input and cooperation received from others in reporting allegations of prohibited practices.
Contact Raised to report concerns or evidence that corruption, fraud, bribery or some other form of misconduct may have occurred or is occurring related to any Raised allocation or investment. You may report allegations to Raised by email, mail, or in person. (Only Raised staff can access any such communication.)
Allegations may be reported by any source, including confidential or anonymous sources. However, please note that anonymous reports are much harder to investigate as it may be more difficult to ascertain the truth. Anyone making an allegation is encouraged to provide some means that will allow Raised to communicate with you.
Mail (marked “Confidential”)
Raised, Inc – Executive Director
1300 Brickell Bay Drive Suite 4104
Miami, FL 33131
In Person: 1300 Brickell Bay Drive Suite 4104, Miami FL 33131
Please provide as much detail as possible in your report, including:
Who do you think committed fraud or corruption? Who else might have been involved?
What happened? Describe the events fully with as much relevant detail as possible.
When did it happen? Please provide dates, time, and number of times.
Where did it happen? Include not only the city and country, but, if possible, an actual address, the name of the building, the office number, etc.
Who else might have information?
Who will know that you made a report? -
How does your allegation relate to an Raised investment or program? Was Raised staff involved?
Reports regarding Raised partners or suppliers will be evaluated by Raised’s Director, who will submit a recommendation for further evaluation, if any, to the Executive Director / President with recommendations on the matter.